
The human being has a body, a soul and a spirit. The body is the physical that we see, feed, clothe and beautify, The soul consists of our intellect, emotions and our will which we also associate with in our lives. The Spirit is that unseen part which connects us with the higher power, the creator. At one time  in a life time the questions Who am I? why am I here? Are asked. This promotes, in some people, the search  for and connection with a higher power God (in the  Jewish, Christian and Islam faiths)

Definition. Spirituality is the aspect of humanity that seeks to explain existence, purpose, self and their surroundings. In general, spirituality includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life.

A personal and meaningful relationship with God or a higher power, can result in positive emotions, such as peace, awe, contentment, gratitude, and acceptance.  Usually spiritual life is intricately linked to people’s association with a Church, Temple, Mosque, or Synagogue. There is a communication with God via prayer and a form of worship. There is usually a set of guidelines/holy book that regulates relationships with God, between men and a guide to behaviour and to peaceful relationship with self and others. Some people practice their spirituality alone and do not adhere to rules

Expression of Spirituality:  There are different ways of expressing spirituality.

  1. By  Religious traditional beliefs such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism Hinduism
  2. Others  such as Breathwork, Meditation or quiet time, New age spirituality ,Service to their community, Spending time in nature, Yoga and Spiritual retreats.
  3. There are  there are many other spiritual traditions that exist throughout the world, including traditional African and Indigenous spiritual practices.

Uses and Benefits

Some of the reasons people  turn spiritual  includes

  1. To find purpose and meaning  for life.
  2. To cope with the feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety: Spiritual experiences can be helpful when coping with the stresses of life.
  3. Restoration of Hope and optimism. Spirituality lifts people out of despair and gives a brighter outlook to life.
  4. To find support and a sense of community. Religion is practiced in groups which offer social support. They develop network of friends  and family that they can turn to in times of need. Social support builds people up in times of stress and helps them to cope and carry on.
  5. Spiritual experiences helps to cope with feelings of anxiety, depression and stress when going through life’s crisis.

The benefits of spirituality and spiritual activity have been proven by research. Health benefit of spirituality –

  1. Longevity (Mayo clinic studies) improved emotional state, stronger immune system,and reduced risk of disease. 
  2. Improved self-confidence and fitness, strong support system. Coping more with life’s stresses. One study found that everyday spiritual experiences helped older adults better cope with negative feelings, and enhanced positive ones.
  3. Seeking a meaningful connection with something  bigger than yourself can result in Positive emotions  such as peace, awe, contentment, gratitude and acceptance.
  4. Involvement with a spiritual community have lasting benefits. This involvement, with a sense of gratitude that can accompany spirituality, can be a buffer against stress and is linked to greater level,of physical health.
  5. Prayer. Prayer and spirituality has been linked to better health Prayer works for young and old alike. Prayer and spirituality have been linked to: Better health, Greater psychological well-being. Less depression and less hypertension. More positive feelings ,less stress and a Superior ability to handle stress.

For the Christian faith

Christianity is based on Love of God who is the Creator of heaven and all things on Earth, and our relationship of love for our neighbour. We are created for a purpose, with instructions to care for garden and work it,( Gen2:15),to be fruitful and multiply and rule over his creations. We are commanded to love our neighbour as ourselves, to live at peace with all men. Shape up your relationships. with God, your family, friends, your community and your country. Let love be the basis of your relationships. The attributes of love are well documented in 1Cor.13:1-13.        The tools to shape  better relationships are  Good Communication, Consideration and Care-for others, Commitment and Compromise. Communication with God includes Worship ,reading the Word and Prayer. Prayer has been linked: to: Better health, Greater psychological well-being. Less depression and less hypertension. More positive feelings ,less stress and a Superior ability to handle stress. Review your  spiritual relationships today.

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