Wisdom for life-Types, Its application and benefits

Wisdom for life-Types, Its application and benefits

Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight to make sound decisions and sensible judgements.      

It is about Knowledge (or seek it) and

Applying it in each circumstance in order.

To deliver a correct outcome

In short, wisdom is a disposition to find the truth coupled with an optimum judgement as to what actions should be taken to deliver the correct outcome.

To use knowledge appropriately you must have to understand People, Things, Events ,situations  and the Willingness to apply, Perception and Judgement and action that is appropriate for the circumstances.

Wisdom can be personally applied in our personal circumstances; it may be used for personal or corporate benefit at other people’s expense and exploitation. (Devilish Wisdom James 3:13)   When used this way, It is against the truth, in the back ground of a lie, bitterness, selfishness and is boastfulor To benefit others-The heavenly wisdom. It is first pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.   Heavenly wisdom is given from above. King Solomon, in the biblical record as the wisest man on earth. He sought wisdom and asked God for it, to help him to rule over his people.

Other people are naturally gifted to apply acquired knowledge and skill in all areas of life. This is Intelligence and not all intelligent people are Wise. Popular belief suggests that we gain wisdom through life’s experience, but sadly not all old citizens are wise. Wisdom can be developed Irrespective of age.

Everybody needs to apply wisdom in the various aspect of their lives.  In decision making, reinforcing relationships, sustaining success and in relationships. Applying wisdom allows you to make the right choices, which in turn gives you happiness and fulfilment. It allows you to make a better contribution to your community. Greater fulfilment and effectiveness at work as wisdom helps you to handle relationships with colleagues and dealing  with customers.

Researchers say we can take steps to develop wisdom in the ways we

  • Consider others. Develop empathy towards others. A wise person considers how their decision or course of action may affect others around them.
  • Self-management. Developing wisdom requires self-awareness of your state of mind, opinions, and attitudes. Aim to make choices about what you say or do and how to control your emotions.
  • Keep learning. Appreciate and tolerate diversity of values and opinion and keep learning by being open to different points of view, beliefs and opinions. Have a sense of Humility, you do not know everything and realising that there are other different points of view than your own. By asking questions and listen you can expand your understanding of what you do not know.
  • Learn to embrace uncertainty. Another aspect of wisdom is the ability to deal with ambiguity. Human beings seek clarity and certainty, wisdom allows you to work through ambiguous issues and find a way to be constructive, make judgment and to take action.
  • Have a long-term view. Make decisions with a long-term view and not one with short term gains. Invest in yourself, your career by additional training or education.
  • Having mercy and forgiveness for others and not judging others harshly.

If you are a person of faith.  In the Christian faith, the word of wisdom is a Spiritual gift listed in 1Corinthians 12:8.  Other ways of acquiring wisdom includes

1. Naturally given.  (Exodus28:3) Gifted Artisans for Aarons robes.      Bezalel son of URI Building of the Temple. Exodus 31:3 (3-6), 35:31

2. By Asking.  (James 1:5) In Faith and without Doubting.                     Solomon asked for wisdom (1king3:3-9)

3 By Observing Gods Word and Statutes. (Deut.4:5-6). Ps111:10 and (Ecc2:26)

4. Fellowship / Relationship with God. Living according to the Biblical teachings.

5. Prayer.  (Col.1:9)  Paul was Praying for them to have knowledge and wisdom.

6.Laying of Hands. (Deut.34:9) Moses laid hands on Joshua

The Book of Proverbs describes wisdom and its benefits. (Prov.2:)

.The Benefits of having wisdom.

1.Happiness and joy results when you make a wise right decision . The cheerful spirit also helps to overcome situations.

2.It allows you to make a better contribution to your community. To accept others without focussing on who they are or trying to change their behaviour.

 3.Riches and Pleasantness. -It allows a person to reach their goals quickly and with the least effort. 

4.It shortens time and effort in performing various life functions and situation that we encounter.                                                                                                                                      5.Patience. (Prov19:11) and Safety .vs 23 (and Prov. 28:26) Wisdom prevents a person from making reckless and hasty decision which may later be regretted

6. Relationships. Wisdom helps in developing our relationships and societal skill.

7. A wise person builds and encourages confidence in other people. They are humble in all situations. Humility is the essence of true wisdom.

We all need to apply wisdom in our lives in the following areas.

1.Relationships.  With others. In Marriage, Family, and parenting

2. In dealing with issues of life such as Money. Work and Employment.

3.In education and learning.

4. In Preparing for death and the afterlife.

5. In relating to God and Spiritual issues.

We are advised to seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding. And to apply wisdom.

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