In life we all go through strong feelings which may depend on our life’s situation or relationships with others. We form opinions and think about issues, events and about ourselves.
Emotions and thoughts are related but distinct.
Thoughts are mental processes(cognitions)—our ideas, opinions, and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. They include our view of any situation or experience that colour our point of view (for better, worse, or neutral). Our attitude is a long-lived thought, which develops as thoughts are repeated over and over and reinforced. Our thoughts are shaped by life experiences, genetics, and education, they are generally under conscious control. In other words, if you are aware of your thoughts and attitudes, you can choose to change them.
Emotions are a flow and expression of feelings. for example joy, sadness, anger, or fear. Emotions can be triggered by something external or something internal like an upsetting memory. Emotions connect us with others and helps to form social bonds. People may have different backgounds and attitudes but they have similar feelings.
Emotions are contagious (you smile back at somebody who smiles) other factors that affect emotions are:
- Cultural tradition and Beliefs. These affects the way people express emotions. Some allow open expression, whilst others may find it inappropriate.
- Personality, including self-control affects emotional expression in individuals and families. We have ability to control our emotions.
- Our physical state. Diseases. especially chronic or disabling ones can cause a person’s emotional responses to change dramatically.
What we think impacts our feelings. Thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on one another. Thoughts can trigger emotions (worrying about our state of health may cause fear) How we view our lives and situations leads to emotional effect. Evil thought may lead to evil intent or action. Ezekiel 38:10. As a man thinks so is he.
Spiritually thinking, how does God or a supreme being look and think about us human? Prophet Isiah in the Biblical writings in the Old testament reminds us that God’s thoughts are different from our own Isaiah.55:8. His thoughts towards you are good and is beneficial. How will the same higher power or God look at the world and the bad human behaviour, suffering and injustice going on in the world? Humans have been given a free will to obey the rules, statutes and commandments (what some may call the laws of nature) Disobedience has its consequences.
Our Thoughts and emotion Can be altered. Christians are advised to be transformed (from worldly issues) by renew their minds with the word of God Romans 12:2. So can changing the way we look at issues and focussing on the good aspects of a situation. Altering an external situation can alter our thoughts and emotion. For example removing a person from an abusive relationship.