Dealing with Our thoughts and Emotions

Anger-causes, effect and Management

Anger is one of the basic human emotions. It is characterised by antagonism, towards someone or something that you feel… Continue reading Anger-causes, effect and Management


 Fear is a strong unpleasant emotion response to anticipation or awareness of physical and emotional danger, pain or harm.  Fear… Continue reading Fear

Understanding Love

Love is a word that is frequently used in life ,in songs etc, but do people really understand Love and… Continue reading Understanding Love

Love Laughter and Loss

These are emotions that people encounter at a time in their lives. Love and laughter more often than loss. All… Continue reading Love Laughter and Loss

Capture your Emotions and Thoughts

In life we all go through strong feelings which may depend on our life’s situation or relationships with others. We… Continue reading Capture your Emotions and Thoughts