World religions have commonalities.
In most parts of the world people have religious tolerance, or by law are free to practice their religion without forcing their religious views on anybody or making derogatory statements about other religion or those who practice it.
Most Religions have the following things in common:
- A supreme being to worship
- Sacred texts for instructions
- A golden rule to follow for instruction on how people should relate to others
- A pilgrimage that may or may not be required by some religions
The second and third points and their practice or interpretation are where the differences lie
Despite all the differences the world religions have, there are actually a lot of ways that they are common. No matter what you believe in, learning about other religions will help you understand where people come from. Having more respect for other religions allows us to live in a more loving, peaceful world that people of all faiths desire.
Religion consists of some doctrines, dogmas, beliefs and values. Religion has cultural influences and it is sometimes difficult to know where religion starts and where cultural influences begins. When universal values are considered there is little difference among the religions. Most religions aspires its practitioner to be the best person they can be and to peacefully coexist with other humans.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam have a lot in common. All believe in one God. Their holy books (Torah, Bible and Quran)cross reference. Judaism does not believe that Jesus is the messiah, hence the Thora is mainly the old Testament. Islam refers to Jesus as a prophet of virgin birth ,who performed miracles tempted by the Devil, believe he will return. Islam does not believe that Jesus is the son of God. The bible and the Quran do not contradict each other
In Buddhism there is said to be similarities between Buddha and Jesus. Both were conceived miraculously, both were tempted by the Devil ,both have disciples and performed Miracles. Their teachings were similar. They both advocate what has been termed “The Golden Rule”—treat others as you would wish to be treated. They both urge followers to live a life of peace and love, returning love for hate and anger. They both taught what Buddha called ‘the right action’ do not kill, steal, slander, etc. they both stress the importance of helping others.
Hinduism has many deities, but most Hindus believe that they are emanation of one spirit. They believe Mary is a Goddess, and have temples dedicated to her. The birth of Krishna, who is believed to be the direct descendent of the Hindu God, has several things in common with the birth of Christ. Both were virgin births, both taught similar moral principles ( including nonviolence, forgiveness, love and prayer.) both have angels looking after them and both resurrected.
For Christians, God actually came to us by giving us Jesus Christ. We only need to believe and accept him . Most other religions have systems of rules that are used to appease their god, however in Christianity it’s about a relationship with God.
Understanding other people’s religion helps us to appreciate others and to live in peace with each other. Differences in religion should not be used as a divisive weapon.