

 Fear is a strong unpleasant emotion response to anticipation or awareness of physical and emotional danger, pain or harm.  Fear is programmed into the nervous system to prevent harm (or anticipated harm) Fear has been pivotal throughout human evolution, but especially in ancient times when men and women regularly faced life-or-death situations. Fear may be triggered by, sight ,sound, and by our thoughts.

This triggers the ‘fear and flight ‘hormone Adrenaline which evokes bodily changes (a rapid heart rate, breathing faster, Raised Blood pressure, dilated pupil. and diverts blood flow to the limbs to allow flight from the danger. Others include sweating, feeling of dizziness or unsteadiness or a faint, nausea and vomiting.

There are three types of fears 1. Rational fears -Which occurs when there is a real threat.        2.Primal Fear -A fear programmed into our brains for example fear of snakes or other dangerous animals. They are natural fears programmed into our brains by evolution.   3. Irrational fear. This is  a fear that does not make logical sense and can vary from person to person

Phobia is a distinct fear or anxiety about a certain object or situation, exposure to which consistently provokes fear or causes distress in the sufferer. They can occur at any time, but usually occurs in childhood or adolescence. They can be traced to specific events but are largely unknown cause. Categorised as  Fears of animals.  *Fears of the natural environment, such as a fear of heights * Fears related to blood (hemophobia), injury, and injection. *Situational fears, such as a fear of flying (aerophobia)* Others, such as a fear of vomiting or choking.

Some fears are learnt at certain times in our lives, for example if bitten by a dog, may result in fear of dogs. A child may learn to fear a situation by seeing its parental fearful reaction. This also applies to what we hear or see, for example, hearing a person’s experience or seeing them hurt. Fear involves reasoning about what goes on in the environment. Fear is probably the number one thing that keeps people from achieving the satisfaction they deserve in life, both personally and professionally. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of risk, fear of making the wrong decision. Fear should not dominate your life. It prevents progress and stops you from expanding your horizon. It is a battle looser It works on the mind and brings out the negatives. Turn your fears into a positive stimulus to overcome It and succeed. You have not been given a spirit of fear, but of love. power and a sound mind. Overcome fear with faith and conviction.

Overcoming your Fear.  When fear causes disruption treatment includes seeing a therapist (psychologist). Treatment is directed towards the type of fear or Phobia. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is used. CBT focuses on modifying dysfunctional emotions, behaviours, and thoughts by interrogating and uprooting negative or irrational beliefs. Changing one’s thinking can lead to emotion and behaviour change. A individual can learn to admit their fear and to recognise and analyse the fear and to step back and calmly evaluate whether they are true or rational. This can be a powerful step toward overcoming them.

For people who have faith or belong to a religious affiliation, their faith teachings, doctrine and support are adjuncts to treatment of fear.                                                                                                                For the Christian faith, Application of Biblical statements, teaching and encouragement can help Christians to modify their dysfunctional thoughts. They are encouraged to renew their Minds with the Word of God. Jesus said ‘fear not’ 365 times in the Bible. In Isaiah 41:10 .God said Do not fear and he promised  to be with Isaiah. Also to Joshua,( in Joshua.1:9) God said ‘Be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid or dismayed—- .’ God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, sound mind and of power  2TIM 1:7   We are encouraged not to worry Matthew 6:25-34  or be anxious Philippians 4:6 about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  

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