Lessons in Life

Life does not revolve round you alone. Everyone else is on their life’s journey. We interact when we reach out to others, when we are friendly, when we communicate.

Each individual is wonderfully and beautifully made, so respect and love then for who they are. Respect their views and choices.

Never compare two individuals in any way. You can neither create a human being and neither do you know the life stories and experiences that make them who they are, how they think and how they behave. Have you considered the feelings of the person you are comparing to another?

Life is not a bed of roses neither is it fair. It is the way we react to what life throws at us that matter. Make the best of the situation; seek help, have faith, rather than feeding on sympathy. Remember most situations are for a season and will improve in due time. Remember there is a season for everything under the sun.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each bit falls and fits into place at the right time and a picture gradually emerges. Only God knows the final picture.

Enjoy life. Live, laugh , love and fall in love., Appreciate the gift of life and enjoy life with your family, wife and children. Love and appreciate who or what comes your way. Treat others with respect. Have respect for the sanctity of human life.

Life is not static; it evolves so be ready to move with life. Learn new things and be adaptable to new beneficial things. Be interested in issues that concern you, your government, environment, and the world in general.

Be kind and compassionate. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Do not waste time on non-beneficial issues. Be a problem solver, not a problem creator. You are created into life to serve a purpose. Find the purpose and operate in it for the benefit of your community.

Live  at peace with your neighbours. Respect their views , rights and beliefs.

When things go wrong, take the steps to reconcile. Forgive. Remember A heart that plans revenge caries a greater burden than the one that forgives.’

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