Lifelong Education

Quote- “The purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” —Sydney J. Harris

The impact and importance of formal education is  to impart knowledge and the skills needed to become a better person and to create a better society to live in. Educating the next generation helps fight back against ignorance. It helps people learn about the community at large and develop informed opinions on world issues. With educated opinions, we can support each other and make decisions that help establish a positive change in our communities. Education should impart positive values  and morals that shapes the society.

Education aims are

  • It helps sets people up to grow personally, professionally, and socially.
  • It can awaken joy, curiosity, and a deep desire to solve problems and help others.
  •  Teaching a student can inspire them to pursue leadership roles and positively impact those around them.
  • It can broaden a student’s horizons, helping them understand more about other cultures and corners of the world beyond the school door.
  • A good education empowers and equips you with knowledge, values, and skills, to carve a path forward in your own life and career. It gives you confidence to confront complex issues and  to lift up those around you. Education shapes and strengthens the mind and forms character.

Education is a powerful tool for change. A sharp mind can create more positive change than one who runs aimlessly at a problem. We need educated, skilled leaders who are dedicated to critical thinking and creative problem-solving. A community made up of well-educated and invested citizens has the right ingredients to thrive. Education is about passing on knowledge and truth ,every child should be given the opportunity to reach their full potentials  and reach greater heights and success through education.

Education is lifelong, your mind continues to grow long after your body stopped growing. Whatever stage you are in life it is never too early or late to start learning. Appropriate application of Knowledge, gathered from learning and education and daily experience, is Wisdom.

Learning starts at a very early age in the home. The home is the first agent of socialisation. It is at home that children should learn to be courteous and polite, to learn good social and personal habits. Children should be taught to respect everyone: friends, colleagues, elders, teachers, authorities, to be organized, punctual and to be time conscious. These are reinforced in school.                          Formal education is organised at three levels. The Primary (includes Nursery), the secondary school and tertiary-University or Vocational training.

Tips for effective learning.

1 Use a Strategy That Works for You. Each individual has his or her own method of retaining, recalling and conceptualising information. Each person has a learning style.  Learning style can be S VisualLearning by seeing—using images, and spatial relationships. Aural/ Auditory-Musical: This is learning by hearing—using sound, voice, and music. Physical/ Kinesthetics: This is learning by doing using bodies, hands, and touch. Others which include Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/ Mathematical, Social/ Interpersonal, and Solitary/ Intrapersonal.)

2 Take good notes. Your notes should recall the entire sequence of ideas presented in class. Organise and update any aspect missing from your notes. Consolidate your memory by reading your notes as soon as possible after a lecture. You can use Apps to help your note taking.

3. Choose the best place and time to study. A quiet and comfortable place (Good table space and lighting, comfortable chair) Minimise distraction.

4 Plan your study time. List and prioritise your study task, do what you find difficult while you are fresh, not towards the end of the study session.

5. Make studying a regular Habit. Studying every day and reviewing your subject notes every day,  helps the material you are trying to learn to stay in your long-term memory, and will be easier to recall later on. Knowing your areas of strength and weakness can help guide your study.

6. Study with friends. This helps introduce an interactive element which promotes deeper learning. A collaborative approach is also good for a fuller understanding of the subjects. Identify and work with people that motivate and inspire you, and who are genuinely helpful. Group study keeps you focussed, and offers a forum for discussion, teaching, conversation, idea-sharing. It promotes critical thinking and challenges your ideas and creativity.

7. Apply your learning to real life. If practicable go and see, or apply for placement  where you can apply your learning.

8. Test Yourself.  Try to answer past examination papers or get friends or study group members to quiz you on a subject of study. It helps you to know what you’ve learned and to find out what you still need to learn. It will also help improve your memory recall.

9. Keep yourself in a good shape to study. You study better if you are well. Eat well, Drink plenty of fluids. Sleep well. Exercise. Some benefit of exercise includes Boosting of your mood and relieves stress. It refreshes and clears the mind and improves sleep. Exercise improves self-esteem and has other health benefits.

10. Use Technology.  There are a lot of applications to help you in your studies. Some are free and others paid for.  Note taking systems, organisers, systems that keeps track of your deadlines, schedule, grades etc. Friends and tutors may recommend good and relevant ones or alternatively search the net.

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