Single Parent Families

Single Parent Families


Single-parent family is a unit where a parent lives with children without a partner.

An increasing phenomenon which has a socioeconomic impact on  the family welfare and on the society. Categories include those who are

  • Never married.
  • Divorce 
  • Cohabiting
  • Widowed

The  single parent faces Juggling different aspects of life alone. There are usually more  lone parent women than men. The numbers and percentages varies all over the world and by region within the same country. In the U.K 22.7% is the proportion of families with children headed by single parents .They face issues of raising children alone e g discipline. They are more likely to have lower living standard/poverty doe to Loss of income and Unemployment. They are more like to suffer from negative feelings-depression anxiety. The pressure of child and life care may lead to social isolation.

Raising children as a Single parent is difficult but not impossible. Single parents have raised successful  children and families. Help is needed.


  1. Get rid of the bitterness and hurts resulting from divorce. You will get over the loss of a partner.  Lose your sense of guilt, victimhood, and martyrdom. Ignore judgmental people.
  2. Determine to succeed despite the issues that you may face.
  3. Face issues of raising children alone such as discipline, education.  You are more likely to have lower living standard, due to loss off or reduced  income. Unemployment.
  4. You need support through good childcare, friends, family, neighbours. Ex partner can also help by becoming  actively involved in the care of their children. Even if you are starting a new relationship, the children will benefit from having contact with their father.
  5. Get all the help that the state can offer. Benefits, childcare, inducement back to work etc.
  6. Look after yourself, rest, exercise, eat and sleep well. Seek medical advise if you cannot cope or things are getting on top of you.

An organisation called ‘Gingerbread’ in the UK can help –

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