‘It is Health that is real wealth and not pieces of Gold and Silver’-Mahatma Gandhi
‘Health is not valued till sickness comes.’ -Thomas Fuller
Health is a state of complete physical, Mental and Social wellbeing, not the absence of disease.-(WHO)
Ill health has consequences- Personal– discomfort and limitation of activities including work will result in loss of income, Family and social activities are impaired and income loss may result in low living standard. Society – Time of work and its effect on Productivity and National economy. The cost of healthcare is a burden on the individual and the society in general. Healthy nation= Wealthy nation
The foundation of good health starts at preconception, with the advice given to intending mothers and pregnant women. Heathy habits, diet. Use and medical review of current medication.
Looking after your heath starts from childhood
- Breast feeding
- Childhood immunisations – at the right times. At school age -HPV VACCINES
- Early introduction of heathy lifestyle – diet, exercise. Disease prevention habits-never smoke, alcohol in moderation.
- Feelings – Helping children to understand deal with them.
- Adolescent Issues – Puberty, Period problems, Emotional Issues, Acne ,Contraception- (biblical / real world)
Awareness of the causes of ill health(and disability)
It is essential to have an Understanding of disease causation and risk factors
- Congenital developmental /genetic: They happen because you carry the gene example Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease) or during development in the womb.
- Acquired During life: May be communicable or Non communicable
- Risk factors: A risk factor is a characteristic, condition, or behaviour that increases the possibility of getting a disease or injury. Examples are Obesity .sedentary life style, unhealthy eating, (you are what you eat) smoking, and Alcohol. Others include Age, Environmental factors.
A communicable disease is one that spreads from one person or animal to another or from a surface to a person. They include colds and flu. Pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi cause these diseases. Communicable diseases can transmit through contact with bodily fluids, insect bites, contaminated surfaces, water, and foods, or through the air. Main risk of contracting these diseases are.
1. By direct contact with a person carrying the pathogen. 2. Contact with bodily fluids containing pathogens. 3. Inhaling pathogen-containing droplets from another person’s cough or sneeze. 4. Receiving a bite from an animal or insect carrying the pathogen. 5. Consuming contaminated water or foods
You can reduce your risk of contracting or transmitting disease-causing pathogens by following the steps below:
- Washing your hands thoroughly and regularly disinfecting surfaces at home often, especially door knobs and food areas. Disinfecting personal items such as phones
- Good food preparation and hygiene. Cooking meats, eggs, and other foods thoroughly and practicing good hygiene when preparing and handling food.
- Avoiding eating spoiled food.
- Receiving available vaccinations, Travel vaccination and taking Antimalarials when traveling where there is a malaria risk.
- Avoiding touching wild animals. Check for ticks and other parasites
General Advice . Prevention is better than Cure.
Do not delay seeking medical attention if you notice something unusual- Blood in poo, urine, on coughing, Lumps and bumps-espcialy in the breast/scrotum,or skin.
Treat medical conditions rigorously and early, to prevent complications. Follow your doctor’s advice and take your medications as directed in people who have
- High Blood pressure. To prevent Stroke /mini stroke/Heart trouble.
- Diabetes. To prevent heart, kidney, eye and other complications.
- Glaucoma (Raised eye pressure) to prevent Blindness.
- Heart attack and heart failure. To prevent worseningband ti improve your quality of life.
- Mental health issues –Depression / psychosis. To maintain remission and a good quality of life.
Be active participants in Health Checks and Health promotion activities by your health professionals or government. Examples such as screening tests (cervical, breast and bowel cancer screening.) Vaccinations. When invited at the recommended times.
Develop Healthy eating and sleeping habits, avoid becoming overweight, Exercise regularly. Stop smoking, drink alcohol within the recommended limits.
It is good to know that-Your health in old age starts from now.
Health in Old age: Increasing age brings in specific diseases. Be aware of these and seek medical help. Do not label them as due to age. Even then treatment are available and may increase your quality and enjoyment of life. A few examples include,
Prostate problems: Especially if you are of black racial group, 40yrs of age or more and if there is a family history of Prostate problems.
Menopause: Related symptoms should be treated and others symptoms such as bleeding or discharge after menopause should be investigated quickly.
Arthritis- Reduced MOBILITY: -Frailty, Falls ,osteoporosis and fracture risk are common and can be prevented or treated.
Cataract and Hearing loss are treatable
Dental and Dietary problems. Can be treated.
Dementia should be investigated and treated early and social support put in place.
Pre-existing Diseases. Those conditions which people carry into old age. Treatment should continue and medication reviewed by your doctor.
Cancer and terminal Illness. Though Cancers are commoner in the older age group, it now occurs in the younger age groups. The process of investigating and confirming the Diagnosis causes anxiety. The treatment and possible side effects are another hurdle. Cancer treatments professionals are very good and well equipped to help patients. Terminal illness will involve ‘putting the house in order’-Financially, spiritually and socially.