No human being will live in isolation. We are born into families, we go to school, at work and in society in general we interact with people via words/ written word or social media. In so doing we form relationships. Basically relationship is a connection, an association or involvement between people. Relationships are one of the most meaningful aspects of life and are one of the sources of deep fulfilment.
There are various types of relationships, Family relationships, Friendship. Acquaintanceships and romantic relationships Other relationships can be descriptive – work relationships, teacher /student relationship, community relationship. Some of these may overlap and coincide with each other. – Work colleagues and close friends All types of successful relationship requires Communication, Commitment and Compromise. (consistency) Strong relationships involves Supporting and working together despite your differences ( views,).Love is the basis of all realtionships
HEALTHY Relationships involve ,Honesty, Trust, respect and open communication between those involved and the ability to make an effort to reach a compromise.
A true relationship is based on Love (love your neighbour as your self) Relationships are fortified by . A habit of showing Appreciation 2. Affection – Hugs, reminding your partner that you love them – say it/ text and write it frequently 3. Build up Admiration for each other. Focus on their talents, good qualities and Actions ,instead of pointing out and complaining about their faults. Let them know that you are impressed by their abilities and strengths. Be consistent in expressing your Appreciation, Admiration and Affection in your relationships.
Relationships can be
Family. ‘A group of two or more persons related by birth,marriage or adoption who live together’ The family is an ordained building block of the society.The society is a mirror of its building blocks . The basis of relationships is unconditional love. The creator loves and created man in his own Image, he created a help mate Woman. Throughout the scriptures He gave instructions on family duties, relationships and values. Husbands love your wife — Teach your children the way they should go –when they are grown they will not depart from it. Teach, respect, obedience, good values ( humility, honesty. Working hard, trustworthiness , tolerance and respect for others) and show them Love and build in them confidence and self-worth and respect .Teach and equip them with skills to be good citizens. Give support, security and spirituality.(Ground them in Faith)
In family that we are taught and nurtured, that we feel love and learn to love others, that we feel secured and develop a sense of self-worth and good values. Traditional families include Father. mother children (biological or Adoptive) and all people who are related to this nucleus by blood or by adoption. In families all the basics of a good relationship applies and love binds families with very strong bonds ,stronger than those of other relationships.
Marriage is a God ordained , legally and socially sanctioned unionof two people (usually Man and woman) This relationship is regulated by laws, rules. customs ,belief and attitudes that determine the duties of the couple towards each other and their children. (if any)
Love is the basis of marriage. And like all relationships the attributes of good relationships apply.
MARITAL Responsibilities– LOVE ( Summed up in 1Cor13 ) Faithfulness, respect for one another. Supporting each other ( physical, emotional) Fulfil each other’s needs and wishes. Joint care and parenting of children
- Commitment, Communication ,Compromise . Consideration
- Showing Affection (hugs touch), Appreciation, Admiration .
- Possession and application of the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ -Galatians- 5:22-23.
- Money Management.
- Work/life balance
Children -God’s gift–
Parents and carers have great responsibilities to children until they reach Adulthood (sometimes for life)
- To love, teach wrong from right, and guide them,
- Care for, to support, comfort, and given good counsel
- To Discipline ,and Educate them.
Provision of
- Shelter food, clothes and Medical care.
- Protection from danger.
- Developing in them honesty, self-control. Kindness and cooperation.
- Getting them to be independence and to have self-direction.
Parenting refers to the issues around the rearing of children fron infancy to adulthood. These issues relates to their physical. Emotional, spiritual, social and intellectual development.
Parenting skills are learnt, by observation /personal experience, by education and can be influenced by cultural, religious and social factors. Parenting may be classified as
1.Authoritarian. Parents who seek to have a high level of control over their children. They set strict rules and are likely to apply capital punishment. Their children may have social problems and are likely to be authoritarian parents
2.Authouritative. Said to be the preferred approach. They are more flexilbe and down to earth. They set clear boundaries but allow some flexibility within it. Discipline is more supportive than punitive. The children become more independent as they grow older. Their children have highly self-control and reliance
3.Permissive. They may not set many rules, though they may be attentive and warm. They want to be their children’s friends rather than being their parents. Their children may have a feeling of entitlement and may take more than they give in their own relationships.
4. Uninvolved /Neglectful. They play a limited role in parenting, they do not spend time ,talking to or playing with their children, They do not set house rules or boundaries. Some of their children resist rules outside the family and have poor self control.
Note that not all parents fit nicely into these categories.
The four major responsibilities for parents: maintaining children’s health and safety, promoting their emotional well-being, instilling social skills, and preparing children intellectually. In the process of doing this parents should apply the Four C’s to be a helpful acronym:
- care (showing acceptance and affection),
- consistency (maintaining a stable environment),
- choices (allowing the child to develop autonomy), and
- consequences (applying repercussions of choices, whether positive or negative).